CADA Board of Directors Meetings is the Second Tuesday of the Month.
Resolution In Memory And Appreciation For
The Life and Service Of:
Cleveland Augustus Blount, Jr.
Board of Directors
Bertie County 6 | Martin Co. 6 |
Cordon, Dr. Chris | Joveeta Brown |
Bonnie Bazemore | Mizell, Nathan |
Peele, James | McCleary. Sandra |
Saunders, Vivian | 3 Vacants |
Carl Bond | |
1 Vacant | |
Halifax County 9 | Northampton County 6 |
Brown, Jr., Jackson | Buffaloe, Joyce |
Davis, M'Bechi Tyree | Evans, Sheila Manley |
Duane Daniels | Jerman, Rev. George |
Elam, Dr. Michael | Moody, Catherine |
Griffin, Dr. Ervin | Rev. Marjorie Edwards |
Hunter, Dr. James | Williams, Robin |
Riddick, Alfred | |
Smith, James | |
Smith, Marcelle | |
Hertford County 6 | |
Hall, J., Wendell | |
Johnson, Lynn | |
Lee, Daphne | |
Pierce, Hazel | |
Richardson, Robert | |
Pugh, Betty |
Composition of Board Members 1/3 Public Officials/Representatives
1/3 Community-At-Large/Representatives
1/3 Low-Income Representatives